Last night Hammer and I traveled all the way to Langley, BC to the only rock venue in town - the Troubador Club! And ROCK is exactly what it does! It's a great venue with a big dance floor, huge stage, lots of seating, and amazing sound! Three bands took the stage last night, A Frosty Comet, Cruel Young Heart, and The Proper Villains.
The first to hit the stage was A Frosty Comet. They had a lot of energy and worked the stage well. Besides some guitar trouble in the beginning of the set, they had a really tight, amazing sound. Though they played a lot of covers, it really worked for them - and the crowd! As an opening band, you don't expect many people to be on the dance floor, but A Frosty Comet surprised all and had many ladies dancing up a storm! I would certainly recommend anyone to check these guys out!
Next up was Cruel Young Heart! Now, I didn't know what to expect from this local Langley band, having never heard them before - but they stole my heart, and have now been placed as my favourite local band! I couldn't stop dancing, jumping, and singing along during their entire set, along with many many other ladies, AND lads! These men had amazing stage presence, fun costume changes, GREAT songs (instrumental wise, as well as lyrically!), and they even gave me a gift-wrapped present at the end of their fourth or fifth song! Inside was their four-song, self titled, EP. Needless to say, we listened to it on repeat all the way home! DEFINITELY make sure to check these guys out!
Last but certainly not least was The Proper Villains. This name might sound familiar to you, and that's because you've heard their song "Your Heart" played on 94.5 The Beat a few times daily. This dynamic group is certainly making a name for themselves! After the Cruel Young Heart set, I wasn't too sure how TPV would come across, knowing only their two singles myself, but they wowed everyone! The vocal performance was great, the energy was fantastic, and the instrumentals were so tight! I think I saw everyone in the place dancing! They even invited anyone who wanted to to come up on the stage and dance with them during their last number. It goes without saying that I was definitely up there! This group is one to keep your eye, and ear! on, and I suggest you all check them out on their journey to the top!
To all those wanting to see the video of them dancing its on the way!
Bands, if you want all the pictures please email
Get hammered!