Sunday, November 23, 2014

Best In Vancouver: Season To Attack

I was able to track down the lead singer to Season To Attack and have a quick talk about the upcoming finale show for the Best In Vancouver competition.

James: What can we expect from Season To Attack for the upcoming finale show?
David: We have all learned how to juggle chainsaws. We will be bringing a lot of buzz.

James: What do you think about the competition and its impact in the scene?

David: From my own observation, it seems like the shows are very well attended, the vibe is heightened and the venue and promoters have done a great job executing the plan. As far as it helping the scene, I think contests are a bit more what each band contributes and what they do to build on their own involvement- just like the scene. It does provide some good exposure and repetition of finalist names, so everything seems pretty great.

James: What do you think of the judges and prizes?

David: We appreciate that esteemed industry professionals are participating, but we are not in this for prizes specifically. We want to represent our project and direction well, show people that we love to play music, and support other competitors in what is turning out to be a really great time. We have noticed that the judges are among the most attractive humans we have ever seen, however. As a sort of side note unrelated to winning the contest. *cough*

James: What are some upcoming plans with the band?

David: We are currently hard at work on a full length record, with a working title of "All We Do Is Kill." Gatlin is putting in a great deal of his energy with us on art direction, recording and we are really crafting an awesome set of songs and will be releasing it in a few cool and offbeat ways in the New Year. We will be playing many of those selections at the show this weekend, so let us know what you think!

Check out the details for the show HERE. Follow Season To Attack on Facebook HERE.

Be sure to stay tuned for the final interview with Gigaheartz and a special interview with Kevin from Rednyne Productions!

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