Saturday, March 18, 2017

Ganglyon @ Pat's Pub

Walking into Pats Pub with a charge of remember-able riffage from Trollband on the previous weekend, I was curious for another band I had yet to see. 3 peice and front man odd ball death metal band? Or are they tech-deth? Hmm... Wait... There's a, a stand up bass? OK deth-abilly? Right away you heard the thunderous thumping of their stand up bass, complimenting the huge machine gun double kicks, piercing your chest deep. Their guitarist, a mere virtuoso, whipping out brilliant sweep picking patterns similar to those of Dying Fetus or Archspire. Along with brain melting sweeps, Ganglyon thoroughly melds their set together with brilliant grooves, deadly mini break downs, and ripping blast beats making for exciting fun songs too drink beer and head bang to. Ending a seemingly short set, I was left craving more of what Ganglyon produces. 

Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the next Ganglyon show and recorded material. I give Ganglyon 6/10 hammers. 
Thanks for reading another Severvancity review and see you at the next show \m/

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